
Upcoming Classes

Money Management Class

Register Today

Feb 13th in
Cannon Beach
Elk Creek Terrace

12pm – 5pm
357 Elk Creek Rd
Cannon Beach, OR

  • Financial Mapping
  • Managing your Money
  • Financial Wants VS Needs
  • Understanding Credit
  • Realistic Budgets & Goals
  • Overcoming Barriers
  • Protecting Investments

First Time Home Buyer?

Home Ownership Education Class

Saturday, February 18th
8:30am – 5:00pm
Community Action Team
125 N. 17th St, Saint Helens
Food and Drink provided

Homebuyer Classes Cover:
Making the decision to buy
Prepare financially to own
Mortgages and closing
Shopping for your home
Protecting your investment

Register Today


Money Management Class

Register Today

Saturday, February 13th
12:00pm – 5:00pm
Community Action Team
125 N. 17th St, Saint Helens
Food and Drink provided

Money management classes cover:

  • Financial Mapping
  • Managing your Money
  • Financial Wants VS Needs
  • Understanding Credit
  • Realistic Budgets & Goals
  • Overcoming Barriers
  • Protecting Investments