Good nutrition is a major factor in keeping seniors healthy and independent.
Our meal programs provide more than food; they offer a lifeline of nutrition, community, and support for older adults both at home and in community centers
Community Cafés
Community Cafés, also known as “congregate meal sites,” offer meals in a social setting throughout Columbia County. Meal sites not only offer a nutritious and delicious meal, but also offer entertainment (such as bingo, games and music), educational opportunities (such as guest speakers and resources), exercise classes (like chair yoga or Tai Chi) and social activities (such as pool, card games, puzzles, and crafts).
Vernonia Senior Center
Saint Helens Senior Center
Clatskenie Senior Center
Scappoose Senior Center
Rainier Senior Center
Meals are offered for adults age 60 and older and their spouses, regardless of income. Contributions toward the cost of the meal are accepted and help to keep the program operational. No eligible person is refused service who is unable to contribute.
Home Delivered Meals
The home-delivered meal program (similar to Meals on Wheels) provides nutritious meals to older Oregonians who are unable to attend a Community Café. Nutritious meals are delivered to people who are age 60 or over and are homebound or unable to shop for or safely prepare meals on their own, the spouse or disabled dependent child who resides with an older adult who is eligible if it is in the best interest of the homebound consumer, or persons under age 60 who have meals authorized as part of their Medicaid Long-Term Care plan/State Plan Personal Care.
The program is aimed at promoting better health among the homebound, older segment of the population. Providing both nutrition and help to keep the individual in their own home, reducing the chance of institutionalization. The program provides both nutritious and social contact through meal delivery volunteers to a person who may otherwise be homebound and isolated.
Meals are available as funding and our capacity to deliver meals allows. Contributions toward the cost of the meals are welcomed and appreciated. No eligible person is refused service who is unable to contribute.
Both of our nutrition programs are only partially federally funded and depend heavily on participant contributions . Charitable gifts allow us to continue to serve all who request a meal. Donations are greatly appreciated.
Who is Eligible?
To be eligible for the meals programs, a person must meet all of the following criteria:
- 60 years of age or older (Spouses of any age and disabled dependent children of the eligible senior may also receive a meal).
- Need help with meal preparation.
- Be Homebound or otherwise isolated.
- Live within service area boundaries.
- Unable to attend the congregate meal program site.
- Living alone or with no other adult living in the same home or area who is able or willing to prepare meals.
- Home at the time of delivery
- Willing to eat the meal within a reasonable time.
Adults less than 60 years of age with temporary or long-term disabilities should contact Aging and People with Disabilities (503) 397-5863 for more information and qualifications for home delivered meals.
What is on the menu?
Meal substitutions can be made upon the request of a recognized medical authority. Home Delivered Meals are more than just a meal! In addition to the nourishing meal, users appreciate the regular visit from the friendly volunteer. There are many in-home services to help you remain independent. If more help is needed, Community Action Team’s Senior Case Manager may be able to suggest some options.
Menus are approved by a registered dietitian and follow nutritional guidelines. All meals are prepared with low sodium and carbohydrate content. Current menus are available upon request.
Home Delivered Meals are available in five Columbia County communities and will be delivered by community volunteers. Meal service areas vary by center.
Help Nourish Your Neighbors – Donate & Volunteer
Community gifts to the Home Delivered Meals Program supplement the participants’ meal donations and limited public funds to ensure that nourishing meals can be served to our older neighbors. Community Action Team Home Delivered Meals program is only partially federally funded and receives no State, City, or United Way support. Home Delivered Meals participants give to the program through their meal donations, but many are only able to give a minimum contribution.
Gifts should be directed to the Senior Meals Program and can be designated to a particular community or to help the program as a whole. Gifts can be made:
- For the current needs of the Home Delivered Meals program.
- By giving through a bequest, a will, an insurance policy or stock transfer
- Monthly pledge.
Gifts should be directed to the Senior Meals on Wheels Program at Community Action Team or to the individual Senior Center. Gifts to MOW are deductible to the extent allowed by law.
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