Our First-Time Home Buyer Class is designed to help you navigate the process of purchasing your first home with ease. This 4-part workshop covers Making the Decision to Buy: Buying a home is a big decision, and it’s important to make sure it’s the right decision for you. In our class, you’ll learn about…
Are you a first-time home buyer or ready to begin the journey to homeownership? CAT’s upcoming workshop can support your journey. As Columbia Counties HUD certified housing agency, this class is also a requirement for receiving many federally subsidized mortgages and other assistance programs.
Community Action Team: The First 50 Years Part 7 – Financial Resources for HomeownersBy Leanne Murray, Community Action Team, Human Investment Department Community Action Team (CAT) has been helping with housing needs for about 30 of its 50 years. Previous articles in this series have covered topics such as weatherization, home rehabilitation, purchasing a home,…
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