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Announcing our new logo

Since 1966, Community Action Team has been a pillar of strength, growth, and opportunity in our community. We are committed to continuing in our role and growing into new successes and challenges as our community itself grows and changes.

Over the last six months, Community Action Team has been doing the work to design an updated identity and community outreach strategy that will ensure that we continue to meet the needs and support the aspirations of our ever-changing community for the decades to come.

Our new logo communicates the core of who we are and what we aspire to be.  We are people working together and supporting each other as we cross the bridge from where we have been to where we aspire to go.  Community Action is a bridge- to greater security, to resources and opportunities, to a more resilient and vibrant community and future.

The core of our mission has always been to build a more equitable and resilient community. This means telling our story with compassion, care, and the clarity that our new logo inspires.” name=”Dan Brown” subtitle=”Executive Director”

Dan Brown, Executive Director

Alongside a new logo and visual design, we will be updating our website, our print and digital materials, and our language itself.  The goal of this work is to:

  • Ensure that we communicate in the most equitable, informed, and inclusive way that we can.
  • Increase our visibility and the ability of anyone in our community to access our programs.
  • Create the foundations for continued development as an organization in order to meet the future needs of Northwest Oregon.