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Financial Literacy Workshop

Financial Literacy (Tillamook County)

Are you looking to take control of your finances and achieve your financial goals?

Workshop Series
Monday, November 6, 2-4 pm
Monday, November 13, 2-4 pm
@ CAT – 125 N. 17th St. in Saint Helens

Join our Money Management and Financial Literacy workshop, where we’ll guide you through the process of creating a personalized financial map. Our workshop is designed to help you:

  • Understand how to effectively manage your money
  • Distinguish between financial wants and needs
  • Learn the importance of understanding credit and maintaining a good credit score
  • Set realistic budgets and goals
  • Achieve your financial objectives
  • Explore strategies for safeguarding your investments, including home ownership, insurance, and retirement planning

We believe that everyone deserves financial stability and security, and our experienced financial counselors are passionate about helping people like you take control of their finances. Join us for our Money Management and Financial Literacy workshop and discover the tools and knowledge you need to achieve financial freedom.



2310 1st Street #2
Tiallamook, Oregon 97141United States