Community Action Team (CAT) provides a broad range of programs and services designed to support individuals, families, and communities. From housing and energy assistance to veteran support, early childhood education, and senior services, our goal is to help people achieve stability and self-sufficiency.
For over five decades, CAT has worked to address the unique challenges facing low-income individuals and families in Columbia, Clatsop, and Tillamook counties. Our programs are built on a foundation of equity, accessibility, and community collaboration, ensuring that those in need receive the resources and support necessary to thrive.
Whether addressing immediate needs or creating long-term solutions, Community Action Team remains dedicated to strengthening communities and empowering individuals. Explore our programs to learn how we can support you or someone you know.
Housing Solutions
Housing Solutions Programs aim to address the housing needs of low-income individuals and families who are homeless or at risk of becoming homeless. We offer a range of services, from one-time financial assistance to ongoing rental assistance and case management, to help them secure and maintain stable housing.
Our programs are informed by the Housing First model, which prioritizes providing housing as a basic human right and recognizing that stable housing is essential to a person’s overall well-being. Housing First recognizes that individuals facing homelessness often have complex needs, such as mental health or substance use disorders, and that addressing these needs in conjunction with housing is key to achieving stability. By providing housing first and wrap-around supportive services, we are able to better address the root causes of homelessness and help individuals and families achieve long-term housing stability.
Permanent Housing
Provides ongoing rental assistance, case management, and supportive services for low-income individuals who are chronically homeless.
Rapid ReHousing
Provides rental assistance, case management, and supportive services to homeless individuals and families.
One-Time Deposit and Rental Assistance
Provides limited assistance to low-income individuals and families who are homeless or at risk of becoming homeless.
Supportive Services for Veteran Families
Assists eligible low-income veterans and families who are homeless or at risk of becoming homeless to obtain or retain permanent housing. Case management and a wide range of supportive services are provided to promote housing stability.
The Housing Center
The Housing Center provides affordable housing opportunities and foreclosure prevention counseling services for families of modest means. Funding for the Housing Center comes from multiple sources with differing eligibility and types of services provided. The Housing Center serves first-time homebuyers, current homeowners, and renters. Current services include ABCs of Home Buying, Financial Coaching, Foreclosure Prevention, Mortgage Payment, and Loan Preservation Assistance.
Veterans Services Programs
The Veteran Service Program is dedicated to providing support to veterans and their families in accessing the benefits and services they are entitled to based on their military service. Our Veteran Service Office (VSO) offers comprehensive assistance in identifying and accessing a range of benefits, including service-connected disability, pension benefits, education benefits, healthcare, and more.
Benefits include service-connected disability, pension benefits, education benefits, and healthcare. Veterans and survivors may be eligible for burial benefits, dependency indemnity compensation (D.I.C.), aid, and attendance for disabled spouses of wartime veterans. Veterans may be eligible for housing assistance and VA home loan assistance. The VSO also assists with obtaining DD214’s, tax abatement, and benefit letters necessary for other assistance programs.
Energy/Utility Programs
Programs provide a variety of energy/utility bill assistance with electric, natural gas, pellets, wood, propane, oil, and furnace repair/ replacement. When funding is available, we may be able to assist with water. Funds are available through a variety of sources. Households that are eligible to receive utility assistance also have the opportunity to attend an Energy Education workshop by our Weatherization department and could receive storm window and energy-saving kits.
Community Investment Programs
Self-Help Owner Occupied Rehabilitation Program
SHOORP provides assistance to low and very low-income homeowners to rehabilitate their home under the guidance of a construction supervisor.
Housing Rehabilitation
The Housing Rehabilitation Program provides 0% interest deferred loans for low-to-moderate-income homeowners to complete essential repairs on their homes.
Lend A Hand provides minor repairs and necessary accessibility upgrades that will increase livability and safety for seniors, disabled persons, and veterans who do not have the financial capacity to complete the repairs or upgrades on their own. The program serves both homeowners and renters.
Healthy Homes
This program provides repairs and remediation measures that will improve the home environment for low-income families and individuals, serving both renters and homeowners.
This program works to reduce energy costs for low-income families, particularly for people with disabilities, the elderly and families with children, by improving the energy efficiency of their homes while ensuring their health and safety. The program serves both renters and homeowners.
Affordable Housing
Community Action Team is the developer and owner of affordable housing. CAT currently owns Forest Park (80 units) in St. Helens, Elk Creek Terrace (36 units) in Cannon Beach, Blue Heron Hollow (26 units) in Vernonia, Victorian-Olive (21 Senior Units) in Scappoose, along with two single family dwellings, Corey Hill in Vernonia and the 9th street home in St. Helens. CAT operates and provides maintenance services at several locations in St. Helens; the 18th Street Apartments (16 units of homeless housing), Centennial House, two units of permanent supportive housing and the 18th Street and 10th Street single-family homes for transitional living. CAT collaborates with other organizations in the development of affordable housing and seeks out new opportunities to construct and preserve affordable housing.
Senior Programs
Home-Delivered Meals
CAT contracts with local senior centers to provide hot, nutritious meals to homebound residents who are 60 years old or better and their spouse or dependent, disabled adult children.
Oregon Project Independence (OPI)
Assists older adults in maintaining their independence in their homes by providing minimal support with activities of daily living.
Client-Employed Respite
Respite care offers temporary relief from the ongoing demands of providing in-home care for a family member in order to alleviate stress, prevent burnout, and improve care.
Options Counseling
People who are at least 60 or adults with a disability receive information on current and long-term services and supports in order to live independently.
Child & Family Development
Head Start & Early Head Start
Head Start and Early Head Start is a comprehensive preschool program that promotes school readiness of children from birth to age five from low-income families by enhancing their cognitive, social, and emotional development. Programs provide a learning environment that supports children’s growth in many areas such as language, literacy, and social and emotional development for children age three to five in the classroom.
Head Start and Early Head Start emphasizes the role of parents as their child’s first and most important teacher. Head Start and Early Head Start builds relationships with families to support family well-being and positive parent-child relationships, families as learners and life-long educators, family engagement in all aspects of the program, family connection to their community and families as advocates and leaders.
Healthy Families
Healthy Families is a free program that provides family support and parent education through a home visitation program for prenatal or new birth families. Families can enroll up to 90 days after birth and stay enrolled through the age of three. Healthy Families focuses on strengthening the parent-child relationship to assure healthy child growth and development. Home visitors support parents in strengthening a nurturing relationship with their baby at each visit.
Parent Education & Support
As a partner of Northwest Parenting Education and Oregon Parenting Education Collaborative, Parent Education provides programs, support services, and resources for parents and caregivers that are designed to provide them with knowledge, skills, and strategies related to parenting, child development, and positive parent child relationships.
Community Action Team Mission and History
Community Action Team (CAT) joined the state and national Community Action Partnership’s trade association by first providing federally-funded services for young children through Head Start and for older Americans in 1966. Governed by a community-based Board of Directors, it is a stand-alone non-profit organization that receives its primary funding from state and federal programs, along with the occasional foundation grant. Local municipalities and private donors provide the balance. In the mid-80s CAT responded to Oregon’s call for Community Action Partnership representation in every county by creating advisory boards in Tillamook and Clatsop counties. In time those boards developed the local agencies we now know as Community Action Resource Enterprises (CARE) in Tillamook and Clatsop Community Action (CCA) in Astoria. Over the years services were added to CAT’s offerings to address homelessness, affordable housing, weatherization, housing rehabilitation, veteran’s benefits, disaster recovery, early childhood development, utility assistance, and more.