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FAQ for Self-Help Housing Program

What is the Self-Help Housing Program?

The Self-Help Housing Program provides funding and technical support to help homeowners complete home repairs, modifications, and rehab projects by working with their own network of family, friends, or volunteers.

I don’t have any construction experience. Can I still do this?

Yes! The program offers technical support, and many tasks don’t require specialized skills. You can also recruit skilled volunteers for more technical jobs while handling simpler tasks yourself.

What if I don’t know how to ask people for help?

We provide templates for messages and social media posts to help you ask friends, family, or neighbors. It’s normal to feel hesitant, but remember that people are often willing to help when they know you need it.

What if I post on Facebook and no one responds?

Don’t get discouraged! Sometimes it helps to post at different times, follow up with people privately, or reach out in local Facebook groups. You can also repost your request periodically to remind people.

Can I ask for help from people I don’t know well?

Absolutely! You can ask friends of friends, neighbors, or community members. Posting in local Facebook groups or community bulletin boards can also connect you with volunteers.

What if a volunteer cancels at the last minute?

It’s common for plans to change, so it’s important to have backup options. Reach out to other volunteers or plan to reschedule that task. You might also find help by posting again on social media.

Do I have to pay volunteers or provide food?

No, volunteers are not expected to be paid. However, offering snacks or refreshments is a nice gesture and can make the workday more enjoyable. A thank-you note after the project is completed goes a long way!

How do I organize multiple volunteers for my project?

We provide a volunteer sign-up sheet and schedule form to help you keep track of who’s helping with each task and when. Be clear about what you need, when you need it, and follow up with reminders as the project date approaches.

What if I don’t have enough volunteers?

Start by asking friends, family, and neighbors, but also consider local community groups, religious organizations, and volunteer networks. We can help connect you with additional resources if needed.

How do I know what kind of help I need?

Work with your CAT TEAM, we are here to support the planning and the execution.  We are invested in your success. Our task planning checklist can help you break down your project into smaller steps and identify which tasks you can do yourself and which require additional help. You can also ask for advice from our technical support team.

Can I post about my project in local Facebook groups?

Yes! Joining local Facebook groups or community pages can be a great way to reach people in your area who might want to help. Make sure to follow the group’s rules about posting.

How do I follow up with volunteers after they agree to help?

We provide follow-up message templates to remind volunteers closer to the project date. Send a friendly reminder a few days before and confirm the time and task they’ve signed up for.

How can I show my appreciation to volunteers?

Sending a thank-you message after the project is a simple and meaningful way to show your appreciation. You can also post a thank-you on social media or share photos of the completed project with your volunteers.