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How to Use Facebook to Ask for Help with Your Home Repair Project: A Simple Step-by-Step Guide

Step 1: Sending the Message to Individual Friends on Facebook

  1. Log into Facebook: Go to and enter your email and password. Click “Log In.”
  2. Go to Your Friends List: On the left-hand side of your screen, click on “Friends.” This will show you a list of your Facebook friends.
  3. Select a Friend to Message: Scroll through your list of friends and click on the name of a person you’d like to ask for help.
  4. Send a Personal Message: Once you’re on their profile page, you’ll see a Message button (usually near their name or cover photo). Click on it to open the message window.

    Copy and paste the draft message below into the message box:
Hi _____________________,

I hope you're doing well. I’m reaching out because I’m working on a home repair project and could really use some help. Whether it’s _________specific task__________, any help would be appreciated!

If you’re available, please let me know what days might work for you. Thanks so much!

Replace the placeholders like “__________________” with the actual name of your friend, and “________________specific task________________” with what you need help with.

Click Send when you’re done.

  1. Repeat for Other Friends: You can repeat this process for other friends you think might be able to help. It’s a good idea to start with 5-10 friends.

Step 2: Posting the Message to Your Facebook Timeline

  1. Go to Your Timeline: On the top-right corner of Facebook, click on your name or profile picture. This will take you to your personal timeline, where you can share a post.
  2. Create a Post: At the top of your timeline, you’ll see a box that says “What’s on your mind?” Click inside this box to start writing your post.
  3. Write Your Post: Copy and paste the draft post below into the box:
Hi Friends,

I’m looking for some help with a home repair project! I’ve started working on ___________[specific project]__________ and need some extra hands. If anyone has a few hours to spare, I’d be so grateful for your time or tools you might be able to lend.

It’s part of a self-help housing program, and I’m hoping to finish by [date]. Even a little help goes a long way!

Comment or message me if you can pitch in. Thanks so much!
  1. Add a Picture: If you want to include a picture of your project (for example, a photo of your house or the area you’re working on), click the Photo/Video button below the text box. Select a picture from your computer or phone and click Open.
  2. Post It: Once your message looks good, click Post to share it on your timeline. All your friends will be able to see it.

Step 3: Posting in Local Groups for More Help

  1. Find Local Groups:
    1. On the left side of the Facebook homepage, click Groups. You may already be a member of local community or neighborhood groups.
    2. If you’re not a member of any, try searching for group names like “____[Your Town] Community__________” or “____[Your Neighborhood] Neighbors____” in the search bar at the top.
  2. Join and Post:
    1. Once you’ve joined a group (or if you’re already in one), go to the group’s page.
    2. Create a post like the one you made for your timeline by clicking the box that says “Write something…” and copying the same text (or adjusting it for this specific group).
  3. Post It:
    1. Add any details or pictures and then click Post to share it with the group.

Step 4: Best Practices for Keeping Your Post Visible

  1. Check Back Daily:

Every day, log into Facebook and check your post. Look for any comments or messages from people offering help. You can find comments directly under your post on your timeline, and messages will show up in the top-right corner under the chat bubble icon.

  1. Remind People (Every Few Days):

If you don’t get many responses right away, it’s okay! You can remind people by commenting on your own post. Type something like:

“Just checking in—still looking for a little help with my home repair project! Any help would be appreciated. Thanks, everyone!”

This will bump your post to the top of people’s timelines, making it more visible again.

  1. Repost the Message (After a Week):

If a week has gone by and you still need more help, you can repost the same message to your timeline. This makes sure more people see it. To do this:

  1. Go to your old post.
  2. Copy the text.
  3. Create a new post, paste the text, and click Post.

Step 5: Keeping Track of Who Offers Help

  1. Make a List: Use the Recruitment Tracking Form to keep track of who offers to help, and what tasks they volunteer for.
  2. Create a Schedule: Once you have a few volunteers, try to schedule when they can come by. Write down their availability and confirm with them through Facebook Messenger or by phone.
  3. Send a Reminder: The day before they’re scheduled to help, send them a quick Facebook message to remind them. Something like:
Hi ____[Name]____, just a quick reminder that we’re still on for tomorrow to work on ____[task]____. Looking forward to it—thank you again!
  1. Thank Them Afterward: Once they’ve helped, send a follow-up thank-you message to show your appreciation:
Hi ____[Name]____, thank you so much for helping out today! I really appreciate it. Couldn’t have done it without you