Repair, Rehab, Remodel, Renew
CAT’s Housing Rehabilitation Programs provide essential repairs to eligible low-to-moderate income households through loans or grants.
Both homeowners and renters can receive various services.
Funding for Housing Rehab programs are either 0%, 30-year term, deferred payment loans (no monthly payments), or grants, depending on eligibility and funding availability.
Lend-a-Hand is dedicated to providing minor repairs and necessary accessibility upgrades that enhance livability and safety for seniors, disabled persons, and veterans who lack the financial capacity to complete these repairs or upgrades on their own. The program serves both homeowners and renters.
DIY Rehab Program – SHOORP
Through the Self-Help Owner Occupied Rehabilitation Program (SHOORP), CAT staff assists homeowners in repairing and rehabilitating their homes with the support of their family, friends, or volunteers. This collaborative approach empowers homeowners to improve their living conditions.
Healthy Homes
The Healthy Homes program focuses on improving the home environment for low-income families and individuals. It provides repairs and remediation measures that contribute to a healthier and safer living space for both renters and homeowners.
The Weatherization program is aimed at reducing energy costs for low-income families, particularly those with disabilities, elderly individuals, and families with children. By enhancing the energy efficiency of their homes, the program helps families save money on energy bills while ensuring their health and safety. Weatherization serves both renters and homeowners.
DEQ Septic Repair Program
Homeowners and small businesses with failed or failing septic systems may qualify for repair or replacement through this program.
These programs strive to address various housing needs, from essential repairs and accessibility upgrades to environmental improvements and energy efficiency enhancements. By offering assistance to eligible individuals and families, CAT aims to create safer, healthier, and more sustainable living environments for the community.
CAT is committed to creating a Northwest Oregon where basic needs are met, and everyone has the opportunity to thrive. Our mission is to connect individuals and families with the resources they need to build sustainable livelihoods, achieve self-reliance, and overcome generational poverty. By fostering resiliency, equity, and empowerment, we are building a stronger, more prosperous community for all. Through our Housing First and Health Equity strategies, we aim to create healthy communities and a sense of place where individuals feel safe, empowered, and connected.